We’re just under 2 weeks away from the Christian Super Bowl often referred to as EASTER.  I know many friends who do what I do for a living are freaking out right now as they are making final touches (for those who planned ahead) on their set ups and creative elements, some are freaking out because they’re just now getting started and realizing, “Oh crap, it’s almost Easter!”  Some people are making their family dinner plans or going shopping for a new Easter dress (I know my mom always took us to pick out that dreaded Easter outfit).

For a lot of people, today is just Tuesday, March 27th.  They have no idea that there is something so significant, so important coming up and even if they do see something with the word “EASTER” on it, they probably couldn’t care less.  I mean, what does it have to do with them anyways?

I pose the question, “what if?”.  “What if” we, YOU and I, took time out of making our Easter preparations to talk to “them“.  “What if” we, YOU and I, LIVED the “Great Commission” as it’s been dubbed and “WENT” into the world “making disciples… baptizing… teaching…”  “WHAT IF?!?”  “What if” we, YOU and I, cared enough about the world around us, the PEOPLE, around us that we live with or by, that we work with, that we happen across every single day, to actually TALK TO THEM…  INVITE THEM TO CHURCH…

We know that 8 out of 10 people would come to church this Easter if only someone would invite them.  Are you leveraging your relationships, your days, your conversations, your happen stances, for the sake of Christ?  Who are you inviting, or better yet, who are you dragging with you to church this Easter?

Does the state of someone’s soul matter to you?  Do you care what happens to the people around you?  Do you care what happens to your family, your neighbors, your coworkers, your server at dinner, the person you meet at the ball game, the person next to you at Starbucks or Panera?

Are “THEY” important enough?  If you’re a believer or a follower of Christ the answer is “YES“.  Inviting people to church this Easter isn’t something for the preacher to do, or the leaders to do, or the church volunteers to do, or the “better Christians” to do, it’s for US…  YOU AND ME.

Change someone’s life.  Invite them to a Bible teaching church this Easter.  If you don’t know of one in your area, please contact me and I’ll put you in contact with a great place to be this Easter.

The church was told to “GO“…  It’s time to quit coming to church and start going and being the church because “THEY” are more than important enough.

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Comments (2)

  1. Sandy
    April 06, 2012

    Thanks Michael…THEY are what matters!

  2. Sandy
    April 06, 2012

    Thanks Michael. THEY are what matters! Go Team! Happy Easter!

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