1 // Don’t create systems that set your people up for success. Instead, let each person do things however he or she sees fit.

2 // Don’t educate yourself or connect with other leaders in your field. Instead, always assume that the first idea you have is always the best idea possible.

3 // Never clearly communicate the vision or purpose of your team. Especially don’t communicate it to your team members.

4 // Never look at what’s best for the organization or team. Always do the easiest thing for you or the first thing you think of.

5 // Please don’t ever let people know what you expect of them. If you were to do that, they might surprise you and actually do it.

6 // At all costs avoid any and all conversations that could be uncomfortable in any way. Everybody knows that no one likes somebody that makes us have hard conversations.

7 // If at all possible, absolutely never ever change anything. It’s a well-known fact that people that bring about change are nothing more than agents of the devil.

8 // Please do not ever spend time training anyone on the best way to do things. Always throw people into jobs or situations that they are absolutely not adequately prepared for. This will ensure that they fail and might perhaps feel horrible about themselves.

9 // Last but definitely not least, do not ever put together an “org chart”. If you were to do so, your team members may know how to better relate to one another which could possibly eliminate some of the conflict and chaos in your organization and let’s be honest, who wants to do that?

This list is definitely not exhaustive, these are just a few of the horrible leadership characteristics I’ve either personally done or have seen leaders around me doing. The GOOD NEWS is you and I don’t have to continue to do these things! Everyone in a leadership role fails from time to time or does things that are just wrong. Hopefully, we learn from those mistakes and don’t continue to make them. Take a minute and be honest with yourself. Which of these 9 are you guilty of? What bad traits other than these come to mind that you may need to change?

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